
Overcoming Fear, Anxiety & Worry

Nov 03, 2024By Amara J


Fear, Anxiety, Worry

“Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.  Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.  Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn, yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?” 

–Luke 12:22-26 NIV

Fear is a tricky thing because while it is often portrayed as the fright someone feels after being triggered by something scary, this sly emotion can take on so many other forms. Fear can be encapsulated by the panic and pounding heart palpitations a person gets when someone sneaks up and scares them from behind.

It can also present itself as the looming dread that stalks an individual when they are uncertain of their future or what lies ahead. Indeed, fear looks like the tight-knot in someone’s chest when they have to make a tough decision. It can also be summed up as a gut-wrenching blow that paralyzes a person when they find themselves embroiled in a difficult situation.


Needless to say, most people will do any and everything in their power to avoid encountering this emotion. Unfortunately, the unpredictability of life makes this course of action impossible. So while some people have learnt to face their fears head on, others have learnt to suppress negative emotions by keeping busy or pretending the problem doesn’t exist. Here’s the thing about the latter approach, burying fear only makes it grow bigger.

Importance of Perspective when Fearful

The thing is, fear in and of itself is not sinful. As a matter of fact, it is actually a built-in alert system wired in humans to notify us of possible danger.

Still, when left unregulated, fear can lead us to sin –especially if it drives us to take matters into our own hands instead of placing our faith and trust in God. Yielding to fear confines us in a self-imposed prison that restricts all of the possibilities we can accomplish through God.

It is impossible to please the Lord without faith, and fear, if not put in its rightful place, could serve as a stumbling block to the very fuel needed to unleash God’s miraculous power in our lives.

When we panic and try to address our issues on our own, we restrict the only power strong enough to eradicate our fears and anxiety from their very root. In Philippians 4:6, God tells us not to worry about anything, and instead, to pray to Him about our desires and fears while giving Him thanks as we ask for what we need. He said after we do this, His peace that transcends all human understanding will guard our hearts and minds.

Scriptural Support

The thing about fear, anxiety and worry is a person who is overcome with these emotions is much more fixated with their perception of the problem rather than the actual issue itself. Casting our cares on God puts things back in the right perspective and reminds us that He has everything in control and is working all things out for our good.

Fear frightens, worry paralyzes and anxiety torments. This gang of oppressive spirits, if given ample opportunity, will ravage a person from the inside out. A wise man said “worry is like a rocking chair; it uses up all your energy but you end up going nowhere.” An even wiser God told His children not to worry because engaging anxious thoughts could not add a single hour to their life span (Matthew 6:27).


If we do not cast our cares on the Lord and give Him our fears, the fear will destroy us instead of the problem that God has already promised to take us through.

When it looks like things are dark and there is no hope, always remember: the Lord is your light, your salvation and the stronghold of your life, so you have no need to be afraid. (Psalm 27:1). 

Truly, when you feel weighed down and weary from the pressures and trials of life, never forget Christ is eager to carry your burdens for you and He promises to give you rest for your soul (Matthew 11:29).

Moreover, when you are overwhelmed and bombarded with never ending issues, just cast your cares on the Lord because He cares for you and will never let you fall or lose your footing (Psalm 55:22).

When life gets tough and the only thing you want to do is hide, resist the urge to run away and instead, choose to be strong and courageous because the Lord is with you always.

When you feel like you’re trapped and there’s no way out, remember God Himself will take hold of your right hand and He, your Redeemer and the Holy One of Israel, will help you (Isaiah 41:13-14).

This means no matter how insurmountable, impenetrable or impossible your situation may appear, you don’t have to worry because God is your refuge, strength and ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). And when you pray to Him, He will answer and deliver you from all your fears (Psalm 34:4).