The Hidden Dangers of Sin
The Dangers of Hidden Sin
The term hidden is a derivative of the word hide, which means to conceal or cover up. Sin on the other hand, can be described as immoral acts or wrongdoings that separate us from God. Ever heard of people referring to God as omniscient and omnipresent? Well that’s because the Creator of the universe knows all things and is everywhere –all at the same time. That being said, hidden sin cannot be concealed from the Father. In fact, nothing we do, think or say goes unnoticed, because everything is on His radar.

Because God is holy, He cannot and will not exercise the full extent of His miraculous power in the lives of His people when they have tried to conceal their transgressions. Don’t get me wrong, God will never leave or forsake us. This is because as believers, we are covered by His grace, which was graciously bestowed on us through the blood of Jesus Christ. However, in order to truly experience the omnipotence of God, we have to confess our sins, ask the Lord for forgiveness and actively make the choice to accept His Son’s free gift of salvation.
The Nature of Hidden Sin
Technically, a person can be saved and still be holding on to hidden sin since we are covered under the new covenant, but if they really loved God and had a desire to follow His commandments, they would turn away from their sins and commit to Him fully.
When God revealed the man who had disobeyed His instructions, Joshua and the people of Israel took him, along with the silver, the robe and the gold bar he stole, to the Valley of Achor.
But get this, Achan did not go alone. In fact, all of his sons, daughters, cattle, donkeys and sheep were taken with him. After they had assembled, all of Israel stoned everything and everyone belonging to Achan. The nation then burned their corpses and heaped up a large pile of rocks on them (Joshua 7:25-26).
The Consequences of Sin
God detests hidden sins because it is a representation of intentional rebellion. Moreover, most concealed sins are usually an action or thing that a person wishes to hold on to because they feel like they cannot live without it.
Believers who try to cover up their iniquities usually know the thing they are refusing to let go of goes directly against God’s word. Therefore, their decision to continue engaging in a lifestyle of compromise creates an idol that indirectly takes the place of God in their minds and hearts.
Jesus tells us plainly in Matthew 6:24 that “no one can serve two masters because either they will hate the one and love the other, or they will be devoted to one and despise the other.”
When our devotion is directed two ways, the end result is a double-mind that cannot love and trust God in its full capacity. Thus, in order to worship God in spirit and truth, there can be no hidden sin among us.