The Pursuit of Pleasure: A Godly Perspective
All addictions stem from an idolatry issue. Although we’re not walking around worshiping wooden statues in this day and age, we still form idols in our hearts when we place anything before God in our lives –including the pursuit of pleasure.
Whether we realize it or not, our destructive habits, and the negative thinking patterns that accompany them, are developed to alleviate or numb the pain we feel inside. While we may seek escape through food, hobbies or other people, sooner or later, it becomes obvious that nothing we do will ever be enough to fill the void.
If you’re someone who is plagued with a feeling that something is missing, know you’re not alone. We were created with eternity in mind and the only person who could ever give us the soul satisfaction we yearn for is God.
God Can Set You Free
This means until we come to the end of ourselves, we will always be susceptible to falling into bad habits that can never give us the relief we are seeking. The good news is, if you have become over reliant on a substance, practice, belief system or relationship to cope with the pressures of life, through Christ, you can be set free from the cycle of slavery.
In the book of John, Jesus addresses each human’s innate desire to belong and feel loved. In chapter four, He speaks to a woman at a well, and tells her: “You have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband..If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” –John 4:13-17 NIV

In essence, Christ told the woman she was trying to quench the thirst of her soul with the superficial love of men who could never satisfy her deep longing. He was reminding her that true fulfillment could only be found in Him and not in any human relationships.
It’s completely normal to want to be loved and appreciated. But while we should aim for these things in our relationships, it is wise to remember only Jesus can truly satisfy. It is only Christ the Lord who can truly give us peace, joy and rest for our souls. While the driving force behind your addiction may try to make you feel like it is the answer to your deepest hurts and disappointments, there isn’t a drug, hobby, meal or person on the planet that has the capacity to fix you or make you whole.